
第四部分:. Adsv - 205
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 11/15/10


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的政策是为学生提供合理的住宿 符合条件的残疾职工和申请就业的人 《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》《美国残疾人修正案法案 2008, Washington Law against Discrimination (WLAD), Governor’s Executive Order 96-04 以及适用的州法律.


提供指导,以便学院提供合理的住宿 适用于合资格的残疾人士.  本政策不应被解释为提供 适用法律未规定的权利或义务.







州长行政命令96-04 -实施美国残疾人法案 以及取代第93-03号行政命令

WAC 162-22就业-残疾人士

WAC 357-26合理舱位

WAC 357-46-160残疾分离

RCW 49.60歧视-人权委员会


平等就业机会 means an opportunity to attain the same level of performance or to enjoy equal benefits 并享有与职位相似的申请人或 无残疾雇员.

基本功能 - means the primary job tasks and responsibilities of a position that are fundamental 并且是完成工作要求的结果所必需的. “必要的”这个词 功能" does not include the marginal 功能 of the position that are incidental 以履行主要工作职能.

医疗保健专业人员 指已完成一门课程并获发执业执照的人 a field of health care, which includes the diagnosis and assessment of the particular 残疾或残疾的问题.

主要生活活动一般来说,主要的生活活动包括,但不限于,照顾 oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, 举起、弯腰、说话、呼吸、学习、阅读、集中注意力、思考、 沟通和工作.

主要身体机能:  A major life activity also includes the operation of a major bodily function, including 但不限于,免疫系统功能,正常细胞生长,消化, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive 功能.

合格的残疾人士 -指符合下述技能、经验、教育、 职位或期望职位的其他相关要求,以及与谁一起 或在没有合理安排的情况下,能履行工作的基本职能.  符合条件的残疾人士有权拒绝提供住宿.  然而,如果个人不能履行工作的基本职能,没有 the accommodation, s/he will not be considered to be an otherwise qualified individual 因为拒绝住宿而残疾.

残疾人士 -联邦和各州的定义不同.  “残疾”一词可以代替“残疾”一词 下列定义中的障碍:

联邦平权行动和平等机会的定义 -残疾人士,如:(A)身体或精神损伤严重 limits one or more major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment (as described in (3)款).

Regarded as having such an impairment:  An individual meets the requirement of “being 被视为有这种缺陷"如果个人证明他或她 因实际的 或感知到的身体或精神损伤,无论损伤是否限制或 被认为限制了一项主要的生命活动.  被认为有这种损害的,应当 不适用于短暂和轻微的损伤. 短暂性损伤是 实际或预期持续时间不超过6个月的减值.

The definition of disability shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of individuals 在《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》条款允许的最大范围内.

“实质性限制”一词的解释应与调查结果一致 以及2008年《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》的目的.

An impairment that substantially limits one major life activity need not limit other 主要的生活活动才能被认为是残疾.

An impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it would substantially 限制一项重要的生活活动.

The determination of whether an impairment substantially 限制了主要的生命活动 应不考虑上述缓解措施的改善效果 如:1)药物、医疗用品、设备或器具、低视力设备 (不包括普通眼镜或隐形眼镜),假肢包括 四肢和设备,助听器和人工耳蜗或其他植入式听力 devices, mobility devices, or oxygen therapy equipment and supplies; 2 ) use of assistive technology; 3) reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids or services; or 4) learned 行为或适应性神经改变.

4(a)普通眼镜的减轻措施的改善效果或 contact lenses shall be considered in determining whether an impairment substantially 限制了主要的生命活动.  1)术语“普通眼镜或隐形眼镜” means lenses that are intended to fully correct visual acuity or eliminate refractive error; and 2) the term “low-vision devices” means devices that magnify, enhance, or 否则增强视觉图像.

The Washington State Affirmative Action Definition – A person is disabled who: "Disability" means the presence of a sensory, mental, or physical impairment that: 1) Is medically cognizable or diagnosable; or 2) Exists as a record or history; or 3) Is perceived 存在,不管它是否存在.

 A disability exists whether it is temporary or permanent, common or uncommon, mitigated 或者是完全的,或者它是否限制了一般的工作能力 在一项特定的工作中,或者它是否限制了范围内的其他活动 本章的.

"Impairment" includes, but is not limited to: 1) Any physiological disorder, or condition, 美容缺陷,或影响下列一项或多项的解剖学损失 body systems: Neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory, including 语言器官,心血管器官,生殖器官,消化器官,泌尿生殖器官,血液和 lymphatic, skin, and endocrine; or 2)Any mental, developmental, traumatic, or psychological 障碍,包括但不限于认知限制,器质性脑综合症, 情绪或精神疾病,以及特殊的学习障碍.


合理的 住宿 means a) modifications or adjustments to a job application process that enable a qualified applicant with a disability to be considered for the position such qualified applicant desires; b) modifications or adjustments to the  work environment, or to the manner 或所担任的职位或所期望的职位通常在何种情况下执行; that enable a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential 功能 of the position; or c) modifications or adjustments that enable a covered entity’s 残疾员工享有同等的就业福利和特权 是否享有其他处境相似的无残疾雇员的权益.

不必要的困难 指成本过高、范围广泛、实质性或破坏性的修改或 这将从根本上改变学院的性质和运作.  以下 在确定过度困难时应考虑以下标准:

  • 所需住宿的性质和净费用,考虑到 可获得的税收抵免和减免,和/或外部资金;
  • The overall financial resources of the facility or facilities involved in the provision 合理的住宿条件,雇员的数量,以及对费用的影响 和资源;
  • The overall financial resources of the college with respect to the number of employees 设施的数量、种类和位置;
  • 学院的运作类型或运作方式,包括组成、结构 劳动力的功能,地理上的分离,以及 行政或财政关系的设施或设施的问题 the covered entity; and
  • The impact of the accommodation on the operation of the facility including the impact on the ability of other employees to perform their duties and the impact on the college's 开展业务能力.


A. 启动合理住宿流程(员工或求职者).

1. 住宿要求必须直接向人力资源部提出.

2. 合格的员工或申请人必须申请住宿.  这个请求 must be directed to the Human 资源 department and include the following components:

  • 雇员或求职者的要求 说明残疾的具体性质,并指出残疾是如何解决的 impacts the employee or applicants ability to do the essential job function, the ability 参与申请过程,或有能力享受各项福利和待遇 雇佣特权.  雇员或求职者可以提出推荐 关于住宿.
  • 医疗文档 这为学院提供了必要的信息和文件来验证 残疾,并指出残疾如何影响雇员或申请人 ability to do the essential job 功能, the ability to participate in the job application 过程,或享受就业福利和特权的能力.  This 声明还必须说明残疾是永久性的还是暂时性的 nature.

3. 雇员或就业候选人必须提供额外的文件 如果学院要求对残疾的性质和程度,以便 学院可以决定合适的住宿条件.

4. The college is not required to select the accommodation of the employee or applicant’s 选择.   符合条件的残疾人士有权拒绝提供住宿.  如果雇员或求职者拒绝提供合理的便利 offered by the college and is not able to perform the essential 功能 of the job, 该个人将不再被视为合格.

5. 如协助员工申请其他职位所需的住宿 员工提供最新的信息来展示技能,能力, training, and experience; identify the types of jobs s/he is interested in and qualified for; apply for vacant positions; and advise the college of any changes of pertinent 地址或电话号码等信息.

6. 员工和/或申请人有责任与学院合作 in the accommodation process and to provide information and documentation as necessary 让学院继续运作.


1. The College will determine the essential 功能 of the position if not previously 确认. 

2. 学院将与有残疾的个人协商,以确定 与基本工作职能相关的特定能力和限制; identify the barriers to job performance and assess how an accommodation can overcome 这些障碍.  如上所述,核实残疾/限制和/或 第二种意见可能是合适的.

The College may request verification of the individuals' disability from the employee 或申请人的医疗保健提供者,当申请人/雇员要求合理的 accommodation where their disability is not readily apparent and has not been previously 记录.  学院可以自费从健康专家那里获得第二意见 护理提供者的选择.  这种询问必须限于核查 the employee's/applicants claims, except that the college may also request suggestions 选择其他住宿方式.

信息 regarding the presence or nature of an employee's or applicant's disability 是否会被视为机密病历,并保存在安全的地方 方式,除了只有指定人员才能接触的人事档案 在需要知道的基础上.

3. 学院将与员工/申请人协商,并可能与其他人员协商 有知识的来源,以确定潜在的住宿和评估如何有效 每一项都将使个人能够履行基本的工作职能.

4. 如果有两种或两种以上有效的变通办法可以让个人 with a disability to perform essential job 功能, after considering the preference 如有残疾人士,学院会为其选择住宿地点 提供.

5. 当雇员目前职位的安排不合理时,或不可能 cause an undue hardship, the college will attempt to accommodate the employee through 调至空缺职位,薪酬相同或更低 是合格的.  在实际条件有限的情况下,学院也可以帮助员工 在确定和申请空缺职位,他/她是合格的 其他部门/机构.

6. 任何决定都必须提供由总统签署的书面理由 因工作困难而不提供合理住宿.  的理由 须证明已考虑残疾住宿设施循环基金 在人事部门,应该探索实际和可用的限制 该机构利用州内其他地方可用资源的能力 政府.

7. 如果合理住宿的费用会造成不适当的困难,那么 是否没有其他可用的经济资源,残疾人士必须 可以选择提供住宿,也可以选择支付部分费用 会造成不适当困难的费用.

8. If no reasonable accommodation can be made, a separation due to disability is initiated.


不能履行其职位或级别规定职责的雇员 精神、感官或身体上的残疾可以因残疾原因而分开.  Such action is taken after the institution has made a good faith effort to reasonably 照顾员工的残疾.  一个永久的机密雇员被解雇了 due to disability shall 提供 with a pre‑separation notice, which includes information 关于雇员申请重返工作岗位的选择.  一个单独的分类 employee may appeal his/her separation, as provided by  WAC 357-46-160 or the applicable 集体谈判协议.  不考虑因残疾而离职 纪律的行为.

除了上面列出的信息外,员工还将获得一份 其他机构提供的福利/援助计划一览表(i.e.、公共援助; 残疾、退休、社会保障等.)及有关COBRA的资料.


The college’s internal procedures as set forth in College policy or in its collective 代表工作人员的谈判协议为解决争议提供了指导.